AI that builds a website for you.

Get your business online in 30 seconds with the #1 AI website builder and marketing platform.

Generate your website
Start for free. No credit card required.
6M +
Websites created
BNN Bloomberg logoBusiness insider logoForbes logo
AI Assistant integrated
Increase your earnings
Website color palettes

Get your business online in seconds.

Effortlessly publish a professional website, no coding skills required.

Find customers in minutes.

Grow your revenue with built-in SEO, marketing tools, and review automation.

Save hours of manual work every week.

Get expert help and automate tedious workflows with the Durable AI Assistant.
Website generated
The AI-powered
website editor
Type here
Regenerate my website
Regenerate my website
The AI-powered
website editor
Built with Gidek
Join millions of small businesses, owner-operators, and solopreneurs building their businesses on Gidek.
Generate website
Pizza website example
Portfolio website example
Fitness website example
Interior design website example
Social media management website example
Sushi website example
Car detailing website example
Dog walking website example
Coaching website example
Photography website example
Barber website example
Real state website example
About Gidek
Our mission is to make owning a business easier than having a job.
Powerful AI tools to start, grow, and manage your business.
The easiest way to drive traffic.
Grow your business with built-in SEO, automated blogging, ad generation, and review management.
Learn more
The fastest way to close deals.
Keep track of all your customers, automate follow ups, and never miss a lead with a powerful CRM.
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CRM compose message
Manage your customers messages
AI Assistant is always ready
The smartest hire you’ll ever make.
Save time and automate tedious workflows with the Durable AI assistant.
Learn more
Write me a blog post about interior design trends
On it! Writing you a blog post about “Top Interior Design Trends for 2024”.
Ask questions to the AI Assistant
Durable app dashboard
It's almost like I've added a whole team of web developers and marketers, but I don't have to pay them.
Meredith May
Colour Wonder Balloons
With Gidek, everything felt really obvious and on other platforms I used, it was more complicated. I also love the CRM tool.
Pietro Pirani - Owner
Pietro Pirani Photography
Gidek has been instrumental in legitimizing and showcasing my culinary skills, significantly broadening my professional reach and impact.
Chef Igor
Private chef in Calgary, Alberta
Durable logo
Try Gidek free today
Build a website and get your business online in minutes.
Generate your website
Generate your website
No credit card required.